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The use of Chillies in Indian cooking - The Chilli

2018年9月24日  The History Of Chillies in India. Many people are surprised to learn that before the Chilli being introduced to India by the


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The Prime Spice A History - IOSR Journals

the Portuguese brought it to India, no one in India ever used chilles ? Seems unbelievable but apparently before Vasco-Di-Gama came along and changed everything we used


India’s Chilli Revolution: 14 Different Types Of Chillies Grown In ...

2023年1月31日  1. Green Jwala is largely grown in Gujarat. As it is not extremely common, it is hard to determine its Scoville Heat Unit (SHU) 2. Teja. Grown in Andhra Pradesh and


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Popular Indian Chillies – Kannamma Cooks

Guntur – Guntur chilli has to be the most popular chilli in South India. Its spicy and a hot variety of chilli. It comes from Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh. Guntur sannam is a sub


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